Welcome To Our Website

Northumbria Basketry Group was established in 2007 to promote and enable the study and practice of all aspects of basketmaking, chair seating and allied crafts in the Northumbria region. In order to do this we run a range of courses, workshops and other activities.

Members meet regularly across the region in local self-help groups. If you are interested in joining one of these groups you can find your nearest one here .

The group's core activity, promotion of basketry in Northumbria, is carried out through courses, workshops and other activities covering a wide range of skills, including willow basket making, rush and cane seating, willow sculpture, willow hurdles, garden structures and Christmas decorations. You can find details of our scheduled workshops here.

A number of members accept commissions for baskets, hurdles and sculptures, why not take a look through our members profiles to see the variety of work they offer.

In addition to using willow, our members also manage several willow plots where we grow willow for basket weaving and use in living structures not only by our members, but also for sale to the public. If you would like to buy some willow please get in touch here.

Members also attend local events to demonstrate basketmaking, sell members work and promote the Group. You can find us out and about across the region here.

We also conduct research into the history of basketmaking and of baskets specific to our region. The group has produced a book written by Liz Balfour ‘The Fishing Baskets of Northumbria’ which is available for sale at £5.00 per copy. To purchase a copy please email info@northumbriabasketrygroup.co.uk.

For information about the wider activities of the group see the Join Us and Gallery pages.

Latest News

Willow Zarzo Basket

Come and make a beautiful and unique Zarzo Basket. Originating from Spain, it is elegant, stylish, and functional. Traditionally used in cheese production, the design has been transformed to make a beautiful basket with many uses. Suitable for begin...

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Organisations involved with the funding of our Development Project