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Weaving the Landscape - Workshops and Talks

Anna Corbett is delighted to be supporting and taking part in this year's What a Wonderful World festival, a celebration and investigation into art, science and nature, taking place in Alnwick. Most of the festival events take place over the weekend of 27 - 30 June, but Anna will be delivering two talks (free) and two workshops (paid for) in the weeks leading up to the festival.

Attendance must be booked for all events, and can be done through the Alnwick Playhouse website.

See full details below

Weaving the Landscape -Workshops with Wild Plants.

  • String making with wild plants.
  •  Making string is one of the oldest human technologies. In this workshop we will use a range of wild, local plants to explore string making techniques, create some samples and find out about ways to create baskets and other items with string. We will explore what makes plants suitable for string, as well as when to harvest and how to process them.
  •  To take place at the Alnwick Playhouse in the gallery area upstairs
  • Thursday 6 June, 10am -1pm and Saturday 15 June, 10am-1pm.
  • Cost for participants: £20 (concessions) / £30 full price  maximum participants 6.



Weaving the Landscape - Talks and Demonstrations

  • Anna Corbett is a basket maker with a background in organic gardening who loves making string, and who works with local plants. In this session Anna will talk about her work, how she became interested in the history and practice of making string and the influences that have affected her work. She will bring samples to examine and demonstrate string making techniques.
  • To take place at the Alnwick Playhouse in the Studio Space.
  • Wednesday 5 June 10am – 11 am  and Monday 17 June 2pm – 3pm.
  • No charge to attend.

About Anna Corbett

Anna is a basket maker who loves making string, and who works almost entirely with plants local to where she lives in Northumberland. These may be wild or cultivated, from moors and meadows, hedgerows, woods and gardens. They include leaves and stems, grasses, rushes, roots, moss, straw and bark. The plants all have their stories to tell and directions to follow. Anna has come to basketry after many years of organic gardening. She brings a deep love of plants, and respect for the natural world, to her work, which is rooted in and responsive to the landscape. She is fascinated by the relationships between people and plants and sees basketry as a way of exploring and deepening these connections. Anna’s workshops offer an opportunity to explore some of the traditions of basketry with plant fibres and become more familiar with the nature of the plants that grow around us. Anna is a member of the Basketmakers’ Association, Scottish Basketmakers' Circle and the Northumbria Basketry Group.

See examples of Anna’s work on Instagram: @stringmakeranna

Anna Corbett

instagram: @stringmakeranna

Author Details

Author Name: Alan
Publish Date: 29th May 2024

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