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Signs of Spring at 55 Degrees North

The attached image, taken on March 1st at Chester Hope willow plot, shows green shoots on one of the Bleu Bleu cuttings planted late last year. It highlights the benefits of planting willow cuttings shortly after harvesting begins in November. Early planting ensures that the cutting has time to develop roots over the winter and can channel its resources into producing shoots and leaves early in the season.

Another local reminder of Spring is the annual Borders Organic Gardeners Potato Day event at Springwood Park, Kelso. This year, the event was held on Sunday, March 2nd. The Northumbria Basketry Group stand had an extensive display of baskets and garden items in willow and a comprehensive range of willow cuttings. With over a thousand members of the public attending the show and lots of interest in baskets, the Basketry Group members had a hectic time serving members of the public. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the event.

Springwood Park is across the road from a beautiful stretch of the River Tweed, with Kelso situated on the opposite bank. The final photo shows the gorgeous early Spring day for this year's event.

Author Details

Author Name: Alan
Publish Date: 3rd March 2025

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