Seabird Sculpture Weekend Workshop

30th May 2025 - 01 June 2025
Cost: £335 or £375 depending on accommodation - plus additional cost for materials
Venue: St Cuthbert's Centre, Lindisfarne


Lucker and Bamburgh Willow Weavers

Invite you to a Seabird Sculpture weekend

On the beautiful island of Lindisfarne

At St Cuthbert’s Centre

Friday 30 May at 2 pm


Sunday 1 June at 4 pm

To fit in with the safe crossing times over the causeway from the mainland.

We will stay in single or shared rooms in the newly renovated Marygate House, where our meals will be taken.

Anna Turnbull, a well-known artist, will guide us through transferring our own drawings of our chosen subject to a wire armature and then creating form and structure with bands of willow.

This course is suitable for all levels of willow weaving. The materials will cost approximately £25, which will be paid directly to Anna.

To secure a place, please get in touch with Anne Otley at

Lucker House, Lucker, Belford, Northumberland NE70 7JG,

email -

By paying  a deposit of £235 by cheque to

Lucker and Bamburgh Willow Weavers

Or make a payment of £235 by BACS

The remaining balance of £100 for a shared room. Or £140 for a single can be paid directly to Marygate House over the weekend. It is a suggested donation and can be gift-aided.

There may be room for partners, and the cost to them of food and accommodation will be £150

(We will also be hosting a weekend in November as usual)


Contact Details

Contact Name: Anne Otley
St Cuthbert's Centre ,
Lindisfarne ,

TD15 2RX

Image Gallery