Round Zarzo Basket Workshop in Coquetdale - Weekday

13th September 2024
Time: 10:00 - 16:00
Cost: Up to £50 depending on numbers, materials up to £10
Venue: Hepple Village Hall


Lorraine Griffiths will tutor this Zarzo Basket Workshop in Hepple Village Hall. The event is primarily for Coquetdale Group members but is also available for all NBG members who wish to attend.

Depending on the number of participants, it is a one-day workshop that may cost up to £50 per person, plus up to £10 for materials.

Please get in touch with Charlotte Boxall to book a place. Once the places are filled, payment details will be sent.

Contact Details

Contact Name: Charlotte Boxall
Hepple Village Hall ,
Hepple ,
NE65 7LN

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